quarta-feira, agosto 08, 2012

O negativo que é positivo

"We don’t deny the negative, we just put it in the proper context as being miracles for our own growth.

Many times in the personal growth and spiritual space we can confuse “positive thinking” and “positive denial.”

Positive denial can be very destructive. Positive thinking can be very helpful.

As Seekers, the last thing we want to do is put our head in the sand when there is a problem and just “positive think” our way into denial and more pain. So, instead of just always being positive and that positivity being fake, we must also embrace the negative.

In fact, it is when we give voice and healing to the negative thoughts, emotions and situations in our lives that we transform. When we choose to stare at negativity and pain and embrace them as lessons, we begin to shift and change.

If we deny the negative within us, it begins to grow. And if we pretend to think that everything is ok, when it’s not – we are no longer living in reality.

Fear and negativity exist for a reason; we must honor them and recognize them, but not dwell on them. Fear is a survival mechanism that keeps us alive and has since we were first created!

A toxic relationship is negative. But when we look closer at our own decisions, we begin to see how we contributed to the toxic relationship and, as a result, how we brought the negativity and toxicity on ourselves. In this way, we begin to learn from the toxic and negative outcomes and then alter our behavior. Negative situations point us to greater understanding of ourselves and, with awareness give us the amazing power of choice where we empower ourselves to learn from the negativity and make a new choice.

Being negative isn’t bad – and it doesn’t mean you are a bad person… It’s normal, natural and there for us to LEARN from. Negativity is just as much a natural part of life as positivity. To live in either extreme only is living a life out of balance!

This idea can be expanded into every area of your life. We can learn from fear, toxicity and negativity and turn them into a positive and joyful outcome when we realize that they are teachers and not final outcomes.

There is DEEP wisdom within our fear and negative thoughts, once we stop making ourselves wrong for having them, we can learn from them and become even wiser for it!

How can you apply this to your life today? (...)"

What if our negative thoughts lead to wisdom?
in http://thedailylove.com

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